Sunday 12 June 2011

You can surf in Munich?

One of the lesser known facts about Munich I guess is that you can surf there, in the middle of the Englisch Garten (English Garden ;-) ) sits a river with an artificial wave in it. This is not just any wave mind but the 'perfect wave' and despite being singular and always the same, surfers from all over the world come to surf it - even Jack Johnson. On a busy Saturday it also becomes quite full of tourists watching the surfers (in their tight wetsuits I can understand the attraction!).

In case you failed to believe me!h
Munich also has one of the most famous beer halls in Germany where for half your arm you can watch a band clad entirely in laderhousen serenade you while you drink with the masses. This I am informed is just a very small taster of the crazyness of Oktoberfest. Of course the British have even managed to infiltrate here, I bumped into a man who replied with 'it's alright sweetchecks' in a horrible English accent - and they wonder why the rest of Europe hates them....

A Laderhosened out band in the Beer Hall and Cari holding the best thing about Germany - giant pretzels!

My final glimpse of Munich was the English language cinema which every week at 11.15pm shows a sneak preview of a film not out for another week or so in germany, this seemed quite an exciting propect as we decided that it could even be Harry Potter ( this was a ridiculous guess I agree). It was Kung Fu Panda II which wow did the german's love (despite their sometimes negative image they really know how to let go when cartoon comedy comes along! It was also reasurring to see that when the Breaking Dawn trailer came on they too were wooping at Jacob's chest and gazing at R-Patz ( proof that Twilight brings the world together I say).

The end of Munich also signals the 15 hour bus ride I must face to hit Sarajevo; I still cannot believe such a bus exists but apparently you can travel anywhere quite literally from Munich...

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