Monday 18 April 2011

The guide book Nazi in search of the best falafel in Germany...

Well amazingly we have made it to Cologne with relatively few hitches and some lovely airport experiences (Edinburgh airport comes highly recommended with a YO! Sushi and everything). In our youth hostel we had the room to ourselves (the French have invaded today sadly) but luxury last night, Lucy and Holly clearly predicting the French still decided to sleep with their locker keys round their wrists (a step too far really).

Now when describing my lack of organisation yesterday I should probably have mentioned that I am also a complete control freak, especially when it comes to guide books. Armed with Europe on a Budget I become unstoppable (described previously as a Nazi) on my quest to find the 'best' of Cologne and in this case the 'best falafel in Germany'. With this sort of recommendation who frankly could resist, therefore off I dragged Holly and Lucy to the student corner of Cologne in search of culinary delights. I must also add that the guide book was under slight pressure after two recommendations in Edinburgh failed to exist - if this Falafel was anything less than perfect Europe on a Budget and I were over.

Luckily for it the Falafel was delicious and may even live up to its title...

 Holly loving the Falafel!

The best of Cologne sampled off to the Don - Cologne´s magnificant cathedral - that being a European one was of course covered in scaffolding. An issue I really believe should be addressed...

With the weather rapidly increasing in temperature, above 15 degrees, the British sides of us decided we needed a sit down and some sun cream. A park provided us with this and along with Travel Scrabble us crazy students were sorted. Sadly my Scottish side did mean that I received some burn - the ginge tinge showing its face...

 I won scrabble may I add, the photo does the amazing play undertaken no justice!

Now this blog has cost me $0.50 and required me to type on keyboard similar to that of my cheap fake blackberry (scuzzberry) that has a z where y should be (oh the confusion) therefore I shall leave it there...

Now we are off in search of German beer and more guide book fodder. Then tomorrow a sleeper train to Prague awaits us along with the perils of discovering who the fourth stranger will be in our four person carriage....

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