Friday 29 April 2011

sampling more of Poland's culinary finest, dancing with the locals, and the royal wedding abroad...

Krakow is almost coming to an end sadly and unless your interested majorly in the post-socialist transformation of the economy, any interesting content is  few and far between so this'll be short...

One thing the geography trip has ensured though is we have had an eventful week meeting some of Poland's finest. We met the mayor of Oswiecim who looks like father christmas and chuckles as if he were, a very sweet Google employee who didn't seem to quite know why we were there; and some people from the regional council who were convinced we were not students at all but corporate spies... Its not everyday you get to truly meet the 'real' Polish as it were...

Poland's food has been another interesting experience; aside from what I mentioned before I decided to be brave and go for a full on main course of dumplings. Imagine really fatty pancake with even fattier vegetable filling all rolled up in balls - not particularly delightful to look at but satisfying all the same.... They also seem to love creamy, marshmallowy cakes that replace flour with gelatine - everything you eat here never tastes how you think. A diet of bread really is taking its toll, normal home cooked food is calling...

Dumplings do however have a purpose in lining your stomach for the brutal amounts vodka bars count as a measure - finding less than a 40ml single is near impossible....a trend that will hopefully reach the UK ;-). Our last night out was therefore bound to be messy especially when we let lecturers buy us drinks (a word of warning do not take amusing photos of your lecturer) and secondly you let a bunch of English boys pick the bar (a Polish tribute bar to Man United is never going to be a culturally warming experience at the best of times). Escaping the english interior I did manage to find a group of Poles from Warsaw - now dancing with the Polish is where its at. They drink vodka like its going out of fashion and dance in a similar fashion to my mother, european dancing is something else...

After a night out with the Polish, our Britishness needed reaffirming which of course the royal wedding was right on time to do. I cannot say I am particularly patriotic but when BBC World Service is at the end of your bed it is slightly addictive, being abroad makes you far more aware of how British it is. We gasped, oohed, screamed, and generally got slightly too emotionally involved but as everyone keeps saying 'oh but didn't she look lovely' - which em yeah she did.... But I'll pretend I never watched it and hate the monarchy if anyone asks....

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